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  • Tags: Cold War

Help Walk Trident Poster.pdf
A poster for helpers to aid in bringing the "Trident Monster" across the Canadian border to Bangor on August 8, 1976.

The fear of the spread of communism to the United States

Join Us Poster.pdf
A poster detailing a timeline of protest activity, rallies, and demonstrations to bring the "Trident Monster" across the US border and to Bangor in August 1976, sponsored by the Pacific Life Community

A picture of Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987. The last Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev oversaw the implementation of glasnost and perestroika, as well as the challenges and final decline of Soviet power. His resignation marked…

A side view of the Russian missile tracking vessel Marshal Krylov in 1990. This ship would later recover the Resurs capsule launched for Europe America Space Flight 500 off the coast of Seattle in 1992.

This image shows the launch site of Europe America Space Flight 500, the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, during the Cold War. Originally a top-secret ICBM site, Plesetsk was converted shortly after the Soviet Union's fall in 1991 into a commercial launch…

An image of the Plesetsk Soyuz-2 launch complex in 2006. Formerly a secret ICBM base, Plesetsk has been transformed into a civilian cosmodrome for commercial launches.

A photograph by Peter Chapman of protesters, likely associated with the Pacific Life Community, trespassing on the Bangor Submarine Base from the water.

Protesters lining the railroad outside of Bangor on March 22, 1983, shortly after the passage of a "White Train" carrying Trident=II missiles.

Ground Zero protesters gather along Trigger Ave, just outside of the Federal property line of the Bangor Submarine Base on October 27, 1986.
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