Jewish Human Rights Groups' Response to Oppressed Soviet Jews

Several Jewish human rights groups got involved as soon as they could. From Seattle, San Francisco, New York, to all the way in Moscow, human rights groups all advocated for the freedom of Soviet Jews. One major protest that attained a lot of support from the communist was the "Freedom Sunday for Soviet Jews" rally in D.C. on Dec. 6, 1987.

These protestors thought this would be a perfect time to spread peace because Gorbachev came to Washington during this time. Speaker of the House of Representatives Jim Wright advocated for everyone in the Soviet Union to be treated the same through the glasnost policy being fairly enacted. However, he and other protestors strongly advocated for Soviet Jews to have the fundamental right to travel and leave the Soviet Union.

 This protest is just one of several examples of how many individuals and groups, specifically Jewish human rights groups, responded to the oppression of Soviet Jews. 


Speaker of the House of Representatives Jim Wright spoke at the event and shared his concerns for the treatment of Soviet Jews.

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Well known peace advocate Natan Sharansky joined the protest to advocate for the freedom of Soviet Jews.

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About 250,000 protesters attended the event in order to help the Soviet Jews attain freedom.