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Although the travelers had many unknowns, concerns, and criticism from Seattleites and government, they still persevered and maintained dedicated to their goal in advocating peace during a desperate time of the Cold War.

Without this determination, they wouldn’t have been able to see all of the smiles and even tears of happiness among both the Tashkent and American individuals. Although this peace activism was concentered in a small area in the Soviet Union, they still made an impact in the Tashkent community and may have even instilled hope in those who were hopeless.

Below, Marlow Boyer depicts the unique culture of Tashkent through photographs of the streets and beautiful architecture and of individuals dancing or chatting amongst themselves. Boyer also captures the interactions among the Tashkent and American individuals.

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Unique Architecture in Tashkent

The travelers also got a chance to see the beautiful architecture in Tashkent. Several buildings are painted with bold blue hues and sculpted with several patterns.

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Unique Culture in Tashkent

The travelers got to experience the culture in Tashkent and connect with individuals. Dancing is a big part of the culture in Tashkent and the travelers such as Don Bell, pictured left, were able to take part in it.